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Workshop 1.

Freeing the Wild Sacred Self; How to encounter pain, create pleasure and make the shift into embodying your Wild Aliveness. Dive into an exploration of symbolism, storytelling, mindfulness, shamanic enquiry and creative expression, with the intention of uncovering and re-writing the myths that keep us stuck. We create our reality through what we believe about life. Re-storying is a process of restoring our fullness of life by looking at the meaning we are attributing to our lived experience, the effects of these beliefs and how to move from limiting ourselves to experiencing true freedom. Once our awareness is harnessed intentionally, we can become conscious of how our perspective shapes every moment of our lives and the power we have to create our reality. Changing our relationship with pain, creating more pleasure and making the most of this precious human life. No experience necessary, only curiosity and openness (Oh and fear is welcome to come too). 2 hrs

Workshop 2.

Heart of Womankind. We hold the keys to the much needed revolution- We are the leaders the world needs now, so how do we move from overwhelm to courageous heart-led actions that create lasting change in our relationships, communities and planet at large. This workshop gives you a taste of a much longer immersive program that Naomi is running internationally. Combining creative expression, embodied somatic processes, sacred practice, and Archetypal wisdom of the feminine; we will cultivate an awareness of how we can step into life affirming influence in the world that starts in our homes and essentially with a deeper knowing of our own heart song. 2 hrs

Workshop 3

Soul Circle – Community ritual space This event is inclusive, interfaith, non gender specific, and uses the ‘wheel of life’ or ‘Medicine wheel’ as a format for unified ceremony that honours our Mama Earth, Great Spirit and the rich tapestry of human hearts that we can weave together in such ways. This circle aims to offer safe space for those seeking community connection to inspire our hearts- both individually and collectively seeking insights to carry us towards the world we long to create. Through journeying together we can create unification which is much needed at this time, holding our diversity in loving awareness, so that the alchemy of transformation can occur and offer healing and empowerment to all. There is great power in the conscious presence of many. Naomi’s down to earth approach to our humanness gives people permission to bring themselves just as they are without any expectation of being a certain kind of ‘spiritual’, allowing people of all walks of life to find a sense of comfort and ease. Once attuned, participants are invited to set an intention to carry with them into the world..seeding the love we want to grow wherever the wind carries us. 1.5 hrs

Naomi Wild – Coach, Therapist, Yogi, Artist & Author Creative Heart Space