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The focus of my business is to work with men and empower them to move beyond their limiting beliefs and release them from any conditioning that has taken place. The intent is to enable men to be accountable for their lives and the safety and livelihood of their families and the wider community. We are in challenging times where we have a lot of boys dressed up as men. The objective of my business is to turn those boys into men. Underpinning this is the ongoing challenge of men’s mental health and the sad statistic that 7 of 9 suicides are men.

My workshop will be for men and focus on the five masculine archetypes as described by Carl Jung (King, Mystic, Warrior, Joker, and Lover).

This will be a 45-minute workshop with several participation-based activities underpinned by the archetypes.

As a simple run down, the workshop will include:

– basic breathwork
– meditation
– eye gazing
– light physical activities
– deep connection

Stephen Milverton – Men’s Empowerment Coach