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Workshop 1

Louise Hay The Path To self Love

The path to self love is truely a journey that we navigate throughout our life, often we do it well for a while then life throws us a curve ball and we fall back down the slippery slope ! This workshop is about reminding you to embrace your amazing self with easy to do strategies that will help you embrace all that you are! This is powerful and uplifting and Tonia invites you to bring your journal and a small mirror.

Max 25-30 people and I may need a helper if there’s one available This can be 1- 1/2 to 2 hours what ever works for you

Workshop 2

Know Thyself

How many of us can easily answer this question What brings YOU joy and happiness? honestly answer it ? has it been a while since you have thought about it ? In this session we will dig deep into what is that lights you up ? what brings joy to your soul? If you answered not sure this session is for you we will peel back the excuses and look at ways to really embrace the change you can make to follow your joy and know yourself! without this clarity life can be heavy and now is the time to embrace the joy and start living your life on purpose. unlimited numbers is fine When everything is a sign ! Tonia has noticed whilst hosting many events the curiosity of understanding how our spiritual team give us signs is huge. This session is to gain that clarity and know that nothing is a coincidence. The signs are all around you and listening to them is the easiest way to create a flow in life. Yes we have ups and downs but knowing beyond doubt we are always supported and assisted with signs is what helps us along the way. Tonia will share her own experiences of how the signs led her to her farm, her work she does now, and also the opportunities that have come from taking notice.

bring your journal as you are sure to want to take notes on this one

1-2 hours

Workshop 3

Inspiring fellow Mediums, Psychics and Healers

Calling fellow Mediums Psychics and /or Healers wanting inspiration to be inspired on your journey! join Tonia Reeves as she shares her story of being inspired by spirit with many signs and lessons along the way. Tonia will share her tips and business acumen to help you be inspired to GO FOR IT when it comes to embracing your gifts.

We will share our stories to each other and  find the most amazing support and insights

60 mins


Mediumship Demonstration – Audience Reading

‘Messages from your loved ones in spirit ‘