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Practitioner services:

During these gentle one on one healing sessions, Bindy uses a combination of Crystals, Sound Therapy, Breathwork, Energy Healing & Chakra Alignment to create a unique healing experience for your individual needs. These Divine Healings are conducted in a supportive, nurturing manner and have the capacity to create a significant vibrational shift within, enabling you to expand your innate wisdom & awareness with clarity.

approx 45 minutes per session $80


Divine Sound Meditation

During this full body meditative experience, the deep vibrational tones of the Crystal Singing Bowls, may take you on a journey of altered consciousness. While you simply lay back, breathe and relax, your body is being realigned at a cellular level, clearing any energies that no longer serve you. This beautiful, heartfelt session may leave you feeling relaxed & rejuvenated within your entire mind, body & spirit

Divine Horizons Bindy Eskrigge

PH. 0416 067612


Facebook instagram @divinehorizons